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24 November, 2023

Transforming meta-cognition

Meta-cognition in an organisational context refers to collective awareness and understanding.

It’s the way we see the world and how we get things done.  It has a lot to do with how effective we can be collectively in solving problems and achieving sustained success.

If we see the world as we have always seen it, then we will do what we have always done. In a static environment this might work for a while but in a dynamic environment we need to be constantly transforming our meta-cognition to shape and respond to the challenges in the external environment.

Transformation of meta-cognition can include augmenting of collective intelligence with new technologies and methods. New technologies can include AI and also transformative methods such as diverse thought integration techniques, continuous learning, adaptive structural reform, organisational dialogue and feedback mechanisms. By embracing these introspective and adaptive approaches, organisations can construct healthier, more resilient frameworks conducive to innovation and long-term success.

It’s time for organisations to embrace the importance of the meta-cognitive structures given the key role they play in problem-solving and decision making, learning and adaptability along with ultimately organisational health and success.

Ask these questions?

How are you shaping collective awareness and applying modern technologies to build a healthier, more sustainable organisation?

Further reading