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20 June, 2023

Psychologically sound change

Realising change has become synonymous with navigating increased anxiety and stress, but does it really need to be?

One of the problems of change is how to navigate status quo bias.

Traditionally, change practitioners have used tactics that involve creating a sense of urgency or crisis to overcome status quo bias. However, the creation of urgency may increase anxiety and stress, which inevitability leads to avoidance motivation, confusion and a reinforcement of the status quo.

To support people in a successful transition from current to future state, we need to first understand why we have a cognitive bias toward the status quo.

Cognitive biases help us make decisions against uncertainty and conflicting objectives toward the automatic, the known and the unquestioned. The status quo comes from habits, convenience, sunk costs, and self-rationalisation.

To overcome status quo bias, we shouldn’t create panic and stress by vilifying the status quo and creating a ‘burning platform.’ Rather we need to magnify the status quo and our current strengths, so we can approach the future with confidence and connection to the past.

This is not an approach that denies the need or urgency to change, but rather it finds strengths that will help navigate change in a calm, inspired and psychologically sound manner.

At Potenture, we use motivating and effective approaches to change that are good for your organisation and your people’s health and wellbeing.

To get started:

Hone and deploy current capabilities and cultural strengths

What are the strategic capabilities that got you here? What’s the essence of your success to date? Maybe you’re an engineering organisation that knows how to manage projects and create systems. How can these capabilities support change realisation? Maybe you’re an organisation that cares deeply about customers or people. How can these cultural strengths be magnified to support change?

Apply transformational leadership behaviours

Transformational leaders understand the connection between empathy and action. They have genuine concern for their people and how they are adapting. They lead by creating clarity whilst also enabling experimentation and learning. They set challenges, support self-efficacy and empower individual growth.

Further reading