Ritual as a Source of Transformation

Rituals can be shared across whole communities, within organisations and families or held privately. They can also be created, personalised, and designed to address specific needs. Personally, I believe all rituals that are shared should be created as inclusive and uplifting. If we do this, we overcome fragmentation and become better integrated. Rituals are generally patterned […]
Strategy Map for Behavioural Change

Change can be a confusing journey at times, particularly when it is or requires behavioural or sustained cultural change. The questions can overwhelm, what does success look like in the short term, the long term, for stakeholders, for clients. What interventions will be most effective, for how long, for whom? Who is accountable for what, who gets the […]
Coherence and Advantage

Let’s define enduring advantage as having a coherent system of strategy, operating model and capabilities along with identity, culture, structure and offerings that are differentiated and valued within a given market. For example, Amazon strategy is to be ‘Earth’s most customer centric company’ with differentiation based in vast selection, low prices and fast delivery. Too […]
Achieving Scale and Innovation

More than anything, this involves being able to navigate the tension of often competing priorities and different ways of thinking. On one hand there is a need to grow and be productive within the existing business model whilst also being innovative and hasty in identifying and adopting new business models. Becoming an ambidextrous organisation, involves […]
Structuring for Success

Structure conveys the nature of relationships and also determines the energy flows or otherwise via these relationships. If we think of organisational energy like water, we can see that the structure of a glass contains that water or a pipe might help it flow but only in a particular direction. Often we think of ‘problems’ […]
The Power of AND

Like good or bad, right or left, stop or go. As leaders and strategists in life and business there are risks with this type of thinking. It’s called binary thinking and is a real disadvantage when making decisions on complex or even sometimes simple topics. It can also lead to the Dunning-Kruger effect, where we […]
Kindness and Organisational Value

When we practice kindness to others we see respect, helpfulness, friendliness, and the protection of dignity. Conversely, when we don’t practice kindness we see thoughtlessness, insensitivity, rudeness, and impatience. When we practice kindness to ourselves we see self-compassion, learning and growth. Conversely, when we don’t practice kindness to ourselves, we see self-blame, anxiety and inertia. In […]
Easy Change

Further, if we think something is easy then we are more likely to do it. Often, we are not good judges ourselves of what is easy or not for someone else. In bringing some science to change, a great suggestion is to test if the change you are looking to make is perceived as easy […]