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The Evolution of Problems

DNA strands

Understanding when a situation becomes problematic is crucial for effective leadership and organisational adaptation. For example, many issues now widely recognised as societal problems were once overlooked or normalised. This evolution in perception underscores the dynamic nature of what constitutes a problem and the role of leaders in navigating these changes. Take, for instance, the […]

Pitfalls in the Leadership of Teams

Walking on a tight rope

This critical influence of leadership is a double-edged sword, with some of the common team leadership pitfalls, as outlined by Janis in 1972 being “collective traps”, “collective fences”, “social loafing and free riders” and “groupthink”. A “collective trap” is when the leader emphasises individual achievements over team success. This approach can create an environment where […]

The Leverage Point for Generative Leaders

Man Absailing

It involves a holistic approach to leadership, balancing the head, heart, and hands* to reinvent, enrich and innovate the organisation. The language and mindset of a generative leader shifts from exploit to uplift, extract to care, execute to empower, thus introducing a new corporate vocabulary and way of thinking. To become a generative leader, one […]

AI opportunity and risk


Managing and maximising AI’s potential to improve work does, however, pivot on our human capacity to formulate the right queries, shoulder responsibility for the information obtained, and establish a vision for AI augmentation and associated robust safeguards. Managing AI capability is not about supersizing our work. Instead, it invites us to re-imagine our work to […]

Riding The Wave of AI Disruption


The ubiquitous essence of AI disruption has left numerous leaders and professionals wondering how to steer through the transformative waves already reshaping the conventional business landscapes. According to a 2023 survey by McKinsey Digital covering 1,000 organisations, a significant relationship was found between strong, innovative cultures and their ability to realise value via emerging digital […]

Embracing Nature’s Wisdom: Leading within the Human Subsystem

Bee Colony

A deeper reflection unveils that we, as humans, represent merely a subsystem nestled within the grander system of nature. Recognising this connection invites a more dynamic way of thinking, enabling us to harmonise our actions with nature’s rhythm, fostering a realm where we can flourish together. Nature has always been a boundless source of inspiration, […]

Transforming Vulnerabilities into Leadership Strengths


The ripple effect is natural. An anxious leader can inadvertently breed anxiety within their team, creating a cycle where personal insecurities can amplify into team-wide concerns. Recognising this interconnected influence poses a question: What should leaders do with their personal vulnerabilities? More importantly, can these vulnerabilities be redefined and reforged into leadership strengths? The answer […]

Cultivating Culture (and Ourselves)


Just like no person is perfect, no culture is perfect. We and culture exist on a continuum, with our role being to understand where we are and how we need to evolve. As leaders of culture, we need to have a view of how culture makes both the organisation and the ecosystem better. We also […]