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14 January, 2022

Alliances by Design

Alliances at the core are about joining forces to achieve something that can’t be achieved alone.  They are relationships between people, groups, organisations, states or countries that add value, enhance growth, improve access and mitigate risks. 

Alliances are conceived hopefully as part of strategy and capability processes but can sometimes be more opportunistic.  Either way, enduring success will depend on building trust, creating value along with finding the means to continuously transform, innovate or exit.

Alliances have and will increasingly be an important way for business and Government to achieve advantage or effect that can’t be achieved in isolation.  Typically, an alliance architecture involves some sort of joint goals, ways to share costs, benefits and risks along with decision making responsibilities and management processes.

Alliances by design, are alliances that are built on a trust approach where common interests, joint growth and development are the means to ensure long term alignment with the building of social capital, shared vision and value creation the intrinsic motivators for success and the focus of leadership effort.

Designing and managing high trust, successful alliances is a leadership skill that will grow in demand as we strive to navigate complex change across an eco-system in a manner that integrates.

To create high trust Alliances by design, start with:

Value Creation

What is our shared vision, mission, strategy and value proposition? What are the explicit elements of our alliance design, such as scope along with the legal and financial model and the intangible elements such as trust, leadership and commitment?

Facilitating Change

How do we create internal alignment to link organisational policies, ways of thinking and working with alliance intent?

Continuous Improvement

How do we remain dynamic and adaptable to external changes and also realise continuous improvement?

Further reading